Jessica Seigel is an award-winning magazine writer, radio commentator, and editor who has excavated ancient bones at the real Armageddon, generated electricity by bicycle, and run with wild horses—all to get the story.

Her features on culture, health/science, travel, and celebrity have run in The Atlantic, The New York Times, Smithsonian, Washington Post,  The Independent, Knowable Magazine, Nautilus, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, National Public Radio, BBC, National Geographic Traveler, Los Angeles Magazine, Reader's Digest, Salon, and Village Voice. Critics at the Daily News, Chicago Tribune, and New York Post praise her work as "pointed," "especially enjoyable," and "engrossing...real as if you were there.”

The Atlantic New York Times Smithsonian Washington Post Knowable Nautilus The Independent National Geographic Traveler Chicago Tribune Los Angeles Magazine Village Voice Los Angeles Times Reader's Digest Daily News Time Out New York